Jen Miller

Jen Miller

Blues / Country / Jazz
The roots of Jazz are the Blues. I have lived the Blues. But Jazz isn't just about the Blues. It is about coming through the other side. It is about the fusion of cultures, wisdoms, and traditions - syncopation from Native and African rhythms and extended European chordal harmonies.Its lyrics are honest, and its melodies bittersweet.

Jazz is one of the greatest symbols of what we are capable of as a nation. Jazz musicians were often on the front lines fighting against racial segregation, proving that we get the best results when we can all equally participate.

In the story of Jazz, we can still find wisdom about our problems today whether it is about a recent heartbreak or the fight for social justice. I dream of keeping that story of jazz alive and these old songs relevant.

  • I am available for demonstrations.
  • I offer classes.
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