Weekend Warriors


Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warriors: Virtual Scrawl, CBIFF, MojoFlo and more coming your way

The arts have a dichotomous role in my life. On one hand they can and often do provide a moment of escape from reality. On the other hand, they root me in reality. Whether through stories that don’t always get told or imagery that reflects my own feelings about what is happening today; the arts help me reckon with the world in a way that sparks thought, conversation and lets me know that all of these feelings I have are not unique to me.

Urban Scrawl balanced both sides of that equation for me. The very vibe of the event offered an escape from my worries, but the art itself was often thought-provoking. It was like group therapy. This year, like everything else, it will be socially distant—Virtual Scrawl will live stream artists working on their panels from their studios, noon-10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28. Not the same, but at least no one will get sunburned.

The Columbus Black International Film Festival (which is Aug. 28-29) has added virtual events and an outdoor screening—which may prove to be more fun than a traditional screening.

The last real night out that I had pre-pandemic was with a large group of friends at Natalie’s Grandview to see MojoFlo. It was a blast. MojoFlo is back at Natalie’s Grandview this Friday Aug. 28 with two shows, one at 5 p.m. and one at 8 p.m. They are definitely worth masking up for. MojoFlo’s energy and beat always take me out of my head for a bit.

Also happening this weekend:

The Ladies of Longford play at the Hilliard Civic & Cultural Arts Center (outdoors) on Sunday, Aug. 30.

You can view the winning shorts from the Stuck at Home Film contest online (of course this is not limited to just this weekend).

Summer Spray continues Saturday featuring Kate Golonka. Pro tip: Grab your quarenteam, watch live painting, outdoors, with plenty of room for social distancing, and then you can walk about the Short North and pick up some good takeout.

Finally, time is running out to see So Ready for Laughter: The Legacy of Bob Hope at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum. I’ve been hearing good things so I should get there before Sept. 6 to check it out.

Find more events (virtual and in person) at ColumbusMakesArt.com.

Lacey Luce is a digital marketing strategist for the Greater Columbus Arts Council who likes her coffee with cream and, when she's feeling especially sassy, a little honey.

#Urban Scrawl , #Virtual Scrawl , #National Veterans Memorial and Museum , #short north arts district , #Kate Golonka , #The Ladies of Longford , #MojoFlo , #Columbus Black International Film Festival , #CBIFF