Dre McLeod

Dre McLeod


Using repurposed, vintage, and rescued textiles, I create works that challenge the traditional notion of quilting and invite viewers to interpret meaning based on their own emotional response to the works. Drawing inspiration from my Appalachian roots and the quilting traditions of my foremothers, my work is an evolution of the quilting craft. Departing from conventional patchwork, my textile compositions depict shapes, objects, and narratives, loosely influenced by various historical art movements. With textiles as my medium, I strive to contemporize those influences, infusing them with my unique voice.

Dre McLeod: pillars_copy.JPG
Dre McLeod: cherish__1_.jpg
Dre McLeod: therest.JPG
Dre McLeod: IMG_8646.JPG
Dre McLeod: work1_copy_2.JPG
Dre McLeod: dremcleod1.jpg
Dre McLeod: IMG_5956.JPG

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  • I allow businesses to purchase or display my work.
  • I am open to selling my work under payment plans.
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