Ben Quinn

Ben Quinn

Painting / Printmaking / Design


Physical reality extends no further than sensory perception. We leave it to the rods and cones of the eye to analyze and interpret life, but think less of the unexplainable sensation that creates visual stimuli.  Life isn’t so representational, and I strive to capture the essence of the otherwise lost abstract data, rushing in and out of the conscious brain.

There is so much in this life that remains unseen and I paint to unveil.

I paint because I am alive.

Ben Quinn: Manifest Destiny
Ben Quinn: Blue
Ben Quinn: Purity in Passion
Ben Quinn: Contentment
Ben Quinn: Meditation on Space
Ben Quinn: Agitation

Artist Links
  • I allow businesses to purchase or display my work.
  • I am open to selling my work under payment plans.
  • I am available for demonstrations.
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