Tragic Stitches by Erina

Tragic Stitches by Erina

Erina Ammon

Fiber / Jewelry
My art seems to center around a basic theme which is playfulness, fun and toys. Toys are so important to me that I not only makes them, I create with manufactured toys, collect them, and I first started making plush toys when I could not find just what I was looking for to add to my personal collection. I loved the idea of creating my very own toys. Now I not only create plush, I uses already manufactured toys as focal points in a budding jewelry business. Many of my pieces are in some ways autobiographical, giving my audience a very openhearted peek at a vulnerable creator. As a child I had to grow up fast, working hard in my parents avaunt-garde 1930's movie theater. In fact I worked there so often that some days the only thing I looked forward to was a rare quiet evening at my Gram's house sewing.
  • I allow businesses to purchase or display my work.
  • I am open to selling my work under payment plans.
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