Sarah DeAngulo Hout

Sarah DeAngulo Hout

Sarah Hout

Drawing / Painting
Sarah is an Illustration major from the Columbus College of Art & Design with a passion for color and diversity. Since graduation, Sarah's work has included many murals (Cols Zoo & Aquarium, Cols Met Library's Main branch, several Dublin elementary schools, etc.), a children's picture book for BalletMet Columbus, abstract paintings, pet portraiture, and loads more. Sarah's desire is to slather Columbus with light and life-breathing art that inspires her City toward compassion and love. Her heart's cry is to create art that evokes joy, hope, and peace.
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: 40017944_10160685555620114_6519855690717069312_n.jpg
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: commissary-01-artwork-jfl_1200xx3000-1688-0-85.jpg
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: IMG_20170903_170519_272.jpg
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: Sandhill_mag_cover.jpg
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: IMG_20171219_170236.jpg
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: http___artists.columbusmakesart.com_media_722_full_722-image.jpg
Sarah DeAngulo Hout: triptych_alone.jpg

Artist Links
  • I allow businesses to purchase or display my work.
  • I am open to selling my work under payment plans.
  • I am available for demonstrations.
Contact Artist