Erin Cameron

Erin Cameron

Drawing / Painting / Printmaking

Many of my recent drawings and paintings have focused on alterations made to the human form in order to fit perceived standards of beauty often informed by advertisements, television, movies, social media and the internet. I typically work in a collage-like fashion to create compositions that combine visual elements from these media outlets with my own aesthetic and interpretation to question and distort the original meaning. Whether this be imagined, exaggerated or abstracted versions of the human form, I strive to show and comment on the increasing availability, and willingness of participants to engage the trends and technologies of today that provide such modifications.

I also enjoy doing commissions for portraiture as well as album or poster artwork for musicians. Additional work can be viewed on my website.

Erin Cameron: vanity_4.png
Erin Cameron: erin-cameron-strut_3_orig.jpg
Erin Cameron: slingshotsmall.jpg
Erin Cameron: ironsmall_1.jpg
Erin Cameron: autumn-sky_4_orig.png
Erin Cameron: for-griffin2_1_orig.jpg
Erin Cameron: haunted-house_2.png
Erin Cameron: mutation-drk1.jpg

Artist Links
  • I allow businesses to purchase or display my work.
  • I am open to selling my work under payment plans.
Contact Artist