

Keep Cool With Virtual or Outdoor Art

I’ll admit it, I’m easily defeated by excessive heat. I don’t like it – it makes me want to hide in a dark room with air conditioning. Fortunately I can still experience the arts while staying cool – either indoors or right at home. I’ve...
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A dozen ways to celebrate the start of summer

We are coming up on the longest day of the year, summer solstice, which is good because a search of the events calendar at showed me that there are a ton of arts events to squeeze into this weekend. Here are 12...
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Four More Festivals This Weekend!

It felt like the whole city came out for the Columbus Arts Festival last weekend. It was incredible, and there’s more to come. Columbus is in full festival season and this coming weekend there are no less than four major festivals taking...
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Stay Cool With the Arts

This is shaping up to be a hot week, but you can stay cool by checking out arts events in the air conditioning or evening hours. Here’s what I found! If you missed out on any of the Juneteenth celebrations this past weekend, there are more...
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