Red Brick Tap an Grill

Red Brick Tap an Grill
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Built in 1920, the building at 292 East Gates is the oldest commercial building still in use in Merion Village. It is now the site of the friendly neighborhood tavern the Red Brick Tap and Grill.
In 1927, the building was Columbus’ first Piggly Wiggly, and it later became a hardware and confectionary store. Later purchased by Hilda Isaly in 1946, it became the Elpar Grill and B & G Grill. In 1976, the business was sold again and became the Red Brick Inn.
Throughout its history as a tavern and grill, it became one of Columbus’ hot spots for legal and political figures, complete with a basement bistro where great jazz and a rousing game of cards could be enjoyed. Johnny’s Pizza, a popular pizzeria located on Parsons Avenue, also got its start in this building.
Take a look at the intersection of Bruck and Gates Streets. Like other intersections in the area, this one has large, soft curves—used for street car turn arounds. Another distinctive neighborhood feature are the stone retaining walls that front houses and the newest delight in domestic architecture—small add-ons to the side of the house where the family most likely had a dining buffet or a piano. Called piano windows, they are distinctive of rising working class luxuries


292 E Gates St, Columbus, OH 43206, USA, Columbus, Ohio, 43206
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