

Exhibitions, Festivals & Concerts This Weekend

This past Sunday my family and I made our annual trek to the Ohio State Fair. As usual, it’s an overwhelming and delightful cacophony of sights, sounds and smells: crowds of people, music, fried food, farm animals. We always make a point...
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Seven events to spark joy in your weekend

I had this idea that over the holiday weekend I would do some much needed cleaning and organizing in my home. But, when the weekend came that idea did not spark joy. What did make me happy was meeting up with friends and enjoying the...
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A handful of recommendations for the weekend

I don’t like 90-degree weather in July; so you can imagine my lack of enthusiasm seeing those digits in October. But, that’s fine because the extended forecast is promising more fall like temps this weekend and there’s nothing like cooler...
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Murder, music and film coming at you this weekend

There I was, on a sunny afternoon, perusing the events section for weekend plans, when I saw it: OSU’s theater department’s production of Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding Are Induced to Murder. Oh, OSU, you had me...
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Leap into the weekend with music, film and more

Mojoflo is playing two shows Friday, Feb. 28 at Natalie’s Grandview and I bought my ticket AGES ago. Good thing too, because the first show is sold out of table seats (general admission is still open). As of Wednesday Feb. 24 there are...
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Starting March with the Arts

This past weekend the New York Times wrote a belated obituary for Aminah Robinson as part of their Overlooked series, a collection of obits written about significant figures they didn’t cover at the time of the person’s death. I appreciate...
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10 ways to get the most out of a short weekend

Can we discuss how much I HATE daylight savings time? Ok, I won’t go into it, but suffice it to say that we are losing an hour this weekend, which makes the hours we have more precious. With this in mind I headed to’s...
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The Arts are Blooming in April

Happy April, everyone! I hope we’re in for a lovely spring. I looked through the calendars on and can see Columbus arts flourishing. A few highlights of what’s happening this week: Columbus poet Barbara Fant performs...
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Filling Up July with the Arts

I can’t believe we’re into July already! Where is the summer going? It feels like it’s going fast, but we’ve got a lot of summer ahead of us still, and plenty of activities to fill the time. I searched the calendar on
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Just for you: music, theater, exhibitions and dance all weekend long

I hope you have time to go out and play this weekend because April is bringing us a bounty of things to do. The downtown area tends to have a high concentration of events, and that’s true this weekend. Not only could you hit several events...
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