

End of June Arts Events

Man, summer goes quick. It feels like we’re just getting started and BOOM: it’s the end of June already. Don’t tell my kids, but school starts in less than two months… But time flies when you’re having fun, right? Already this summer, my...
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Combat 2020 anxiety with music, art and film

I’m pretty sure I have entered a state of constant anxiety. It’s exhausting, but one way I find relief is through the arts. Whether it’s music, a good story or a visual feast, the arts give my anxious mind a much needed respite. This...
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10 all-weather events

If you are from Ohio you have probably heard the old saying “Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes.” That is certainly bearing out right now. Fortunately the arts in Columbus are consistently delivering and a quick search of...
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Kick Off June with the Arts

Happy June, everyone! I don’t know about you, but Memorial Day weekend felt like a real welcome to summer, despite the chilly temps. We got to hang with family, I grilled everything I could get my hands on, our boys started baseball. Felt...
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It’s time to Doo Dah!

We are coming up on Independence Day and for some that means a nice long weekend. But, even if you aren’t looking at an extra day off, it’s good to have a list of arts events to explore, so let’s get started. Per usual I searched the...
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