

School’s Back In, But Summer’s Not Over

This week our two boys head back to school. Which means technically summer is starting to wind down, but when the official start of fall is more than a month away, and the weather being so lovely, I say summer’s still on. Searching the...
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Suspended Sculptures, Improv Shows, Documentaries About Poets & More

I talk about the weather all the time, but only because it so affects my mood and energy level. And I come alive when it’s cooler out. So I’m really excited about this new exhibition that just opened in Schiller Park, called Suspension:...
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The Last Weekend Before the Holidays

After this coming weekend, many of the holidays officially kick off, so however you celebrate you’ll be in the thick of the festivities. My family and I have already crammed in a lot of holiday fun. This past weekend we visited a...
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Mardi Gras Music, Symphonies & Improv Shows This Week!

Next week I’m heading to Washington, D.C. for a few days for a — wait for it — dad blogging conference. I learned about it from Aaron Sheldon, photographer and dad behind Small Steps Are Giant Leaps photography blog. I’m hoping to learn...
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Virtual Concerts, Movies, Improv, Exhibitions This Weekend

As of this week we’re one month in to quarantine. So, how are we all doing? Although Ohio hasn’t officially declared it, we’re planning for our kids NOT to return to school this year. It’s funny to think back on mid-March. That feels like...
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Music, Theater, Film, Visual Art & More This Week

Okay, so last week I was complaining about the heat and offering ways to engage the arts while staying cool. And while the weather’s still pretty warm, I’ve enjoyed the cooler temps and breezes. But I’m still seeking out arts experiences...
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Finish Out July and Welcome August with the Arts!

I’m going to be honest: as I start scanning the calendars on each week to write this blog post, I’m not sure what I’m going to find. Over the past few months there have been so many canceled concerts and exhibitions...
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Fall into the arts this weekend

See what I did there?! Maybe it’s the academic ingrained in me, but autumn always feels like a second New Year. It’s the days of fresh air and cooler temps. The days when I can turn off the air conditioning and open all the doors and...
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Glass Pumpkins, Art Brunches, Immersive Performances & More This Weekend

I’ve said this before, but autumn weather makes me come alive, and these days I am really in my element. That gets me excited to get out and do things, whether it’s as simple as sipping hot coffee on the deck, or bigger happenings like...
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Combat 2020 anxiety with music, art and film

I’m pretty sure I have entered a state of constant anxiety. It’s exhausting, but one way I find relief is through the arts. Whether it’s music, a good story or a visual feast, the arts give my anxious mind a much needed respite. This...
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