

Nine events that are free this weekend

Last weekend I embarked on something called the i75 Yarn Crawl, which is a four-state, self-guided tour of yarn shops and fiber studios. I drove up to Michigan (windows down, music up) and was financially irresponsible (knitters will...
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School’s Back In, But Summer’s Not Over

This week our two boys head back to school. Which means technically summer is starting to wind down, but when the official start of fall is more than a month away, and the weather being so lovely, I say summer’s still on. Searching the...
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Visit Artist Studios, Get Inspired at Festivals and More Weekend Arts Fun

I’m always amazed at how many different things happen around Columbus every weekend. Just when I feel like we’ve had a big weekend – BAM! – the next weekend comes along complete with festivals and concerts and new exhibitions. I searched...
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Ready to go out and play with these seven events

By the time Friday rolls around I will be on my 12th straight day of work. Granted last weekend was fun “work,” but I am looking forward to a weekend where I have free time to play. I am planning a quick trip to Yellow Springs to check out...
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8 New Arts Events + 6 Ending This Week

I spent this past weekend on a Cub Scout campout with my oldest. It was wonderful to be immersed in nature with this beautiful autumn weather, although once the sun went down it was a cool 36 degrees out. I’m excited for more adventures...
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Murder, music and film coming at you this weekend

There I was, on a sunny afternoon, perusing the events section for weekend plans, when I saw it: OSU’s theater department’s production of Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding Are Induced to Murder. Oh, OSU, you had me...
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Seven events to enjoy before your calendar blows up

You’ve probably heard the phrase “the quiet before the storm.” That’s what this week is, the quiet before the storm that is the holiday season. Now is the time for me to go to all of the arts events that I want to enjoy, before my calendar...
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Holiday Shows, Improv, Celtic Music and More This Weekend

This past Sunday my family and I attended a talk at COSI featuring Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, who served as a NASA astronaut for three shuttle missions in the ‘80s and ‘90s. She was the first American woman to perform a spacewalk, and she was...
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December is Here, So Get Festive with the Arts

Wow. We’ve barely caught our breath from last week, but because of the funky calendar this year, December starts the weekend of Thanksgiving. So it suddenly seems like EVERYTHING is happening at once. I hope you enjoyed your Turkey Day,...
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Seven Events to Inspire Good Cheer

’Tis the season for traditions. The arts have their annual traditions too, such as The Nutcracker and holiday concerts. And for many, these traditions act as a buffer from all the hustle and bustle, and they help inspire that sense of...
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