Body Concrete

Body Concrete
Use Policy

Bill and Mary Buchen designed ''OSU Interactive Sculptures'' for several areas outside Larkins. ''Spherical Trajectory'' at the berm area of the ball field is a series of five poles with red spheres that react to the wind and ''dance'' with the activity of the ball field. Cast benches called ''(M) Body'' at the entrance of the convergence area are six concrete benches with images life-cast into them. ''Percussion Celebration'' in the triangular area of the front yard is a variety of drums that provide a different kind of energy release from physical activity. The instruments include talking drums, sun gongs, a parabolic dish, djembe drums and an earth drum (played with one's feet) in the paving scheme.



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Larkins Hall


337 West 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
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    Public Art

Bill and Mary Buchen

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