

Fall into the arts this weekend

See what I did there?! Maybe it’s the academic ingrained in me, but autumn always feels like a second New Year. It’s the days of fresh air and cooler temps. The days when I can turn off the air conditioning and open all the doors and...
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Arts & culture is in full bloom this summer

The thing about gardening is, the rewards are not immediate. But when a plant survives and actually blooms, well, that’s a good feeling. The arts can be that way. A lot of planning and care happens before you see the end result, and...
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Finish Out July with the Arts

And just like that we can see August on the horizon. I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone. We’re just over three weeks until our boys return to school! But I guess that’s typical summer: you feel like you’re just getting started...
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August Brings the Arts

Happy August! It feels like this month has hit the ground running. Searching through our calendars, I see there’s plenty to do this weekend, including a lot of festivals, concerts, arts hops and new exhibitions: Wild Goose Creative's Speak...
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Arts events that will have you relishing summer

Remember winter? Remember dreaming of warmer days? Well warmer days are here. Now. And the arts have so many ways for you to get out and appreciate summer. There is a lot on the calendar at Thursday alone has a...
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School’s In But Summer’s Not Out

Our boys are going back to school this week, which always makes it feel like summer is over, but the weather is still warm, pools are still open, there are outdoor markets and concerts to attend, and there’s still plenty to do in Columbus...
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Free music, Scrawl 15, magical frogs and more this weekend

I need a little art therapy this week. Life happens and sometimes the best thing I can do is engage in the arts to get my heart right. So, naturally I headed to to see what’s going on, and per usual, I was not...
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