

Nine events that are free this weekend

Last weekend I embarked on something called the i75 Yarn Crawl, which is a four-state, self-guided tour of yarn shops and fiber studios. I drove up to Michigan (windows down, music up) and was financially irresponsible (knitters will...
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Embrace the night with these six events

I love this time of year. As the nights get longer, I can’t think of a better way to spend them than heading out to enjoy a live performance. There a so many great shows running in Columbus right now. Here are a few new ones opening this...
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Murder, music and film coming at you this weekend

There I was, on a sunny afternoon, perusing the events section for weekend plans, when I saw it: OSU’s theater department’s production of Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding Are Induced to Murder. Oh, OSU, you had me...
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Seven Events to Inspire Good Cheer

’Tis the season for traditions. The arts have their annual traditions too, such as The Nutcracker and holiday concerts. And for many, these traditions act as a buffer from all the hustle and bustle, and they help inspire that sense of...
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Start 2020 with the Arts

The first full week of the year always leaves me feeling breathless. Even coming off a fun (and believe it or not, occasionally relaxing) holiday, the beginning of the year arrives so suddenly. Our boys go back to school, I’m back in the...
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I’m going to need a longer weekend

You know that saying, when it rains it pours? Well that’s true this weekend in the arts. As I started checking the events calendar at, I quickly had an entire weekend plotted—and then some. Let’s start with baby Friday...
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Weekend Warriors: drive-in concerts and 30 days of poetry

In the age of Cornavirus does a “holiday” weekend mean anything? Hell, does “weekend” have meaning anymore? Perhaps not. With the days of the week blurring together for many, events like Rhapsody & Refrain 2: 30 Columbus Poets,...
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Plenty of Concerts, Festivals and Performances This Weekend!

Times are tough, I know, but I really take heart in all the activity from Columbus arts organizations this week. Even just a quick glance at the calendars on and I’m seeing everything from new exhibitions to live...
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10 ways to artfully distract yourself from politics

It’s a crazy week, and as of this writing, I’m pretty sure that it’s going to stay crazy for a little longer than we may all wish. So, here are 10 events to distract you from the politics/COVID double header that is 2020. Thursday, Nov....
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Weekend Warriors: Virtual and IRL Arts This Week

Happy Almost Mid-November! This week is another busy week in the Columbus arts scene. Just look what I discovered in the calendars: Today is Veterans’ Day, so it’s appropriate to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice...
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