

End of June Arts Events

Man, summer goes quick. It feels like we’re just getting started and BOOM: it’s the end of June already. Don’t tell my kids, but school starts in less than two months… But time flies when you’re having fun, right? Already this summer, my...
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Do you Doo Dah?

I am lucky enough to get a little time off work this week and that means more time to go out and play in this city of ours, and there is nothing more playful than the The 36th-Annual Doo Dah Parade + Party. Stepping off at 1:01 p.m.,...
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Seven events to spark joy in your weekend

I had this idea that over the holiday weekend I would do some much needed cleaning and organizing in my home. But, when the weekend came that idea did not spark joy. What did make me happy was meeting up with friends and enjoying the...
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Visit Artist Studios, Get Inspired at Festivals and More Weekend Arts Fun

I’m always amazed at how many different things happen around Columbus every weekend. Just when I feel like we’ve had a big weekend – BAM! – the next weekend comes along complete with festivals and concerts and new exhibitions. I searched...
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A handful of recommendations for the weekend

I don’t like 90-degree weather in July; so you can imagine my lack of enthusiasm seeing those digits in October. But, that’s fine because the extended forecast is promising more fall like temps this weekend and there’s nothing like cooler...
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Seven Arts Events for Your Weekend

We continue the steady march into fall and into my beloved cooler weather. I don’t know about you, but fall makes me come alive. I feel more active and interested in going out. So I searched and found these seven...
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8 New Arts Events + 6 Ending This Week

I spent this past weekend on a Cub Scout campout with my oldest. It was wonderful to be immersed in nature with this beautiful autumn weather, although once the sun went down it was a cool 36 degrees out. I’m excited for more adventures...
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Murder, music and film coming at you this weekend

There I was, on a sunny afternoon, perusing the events section for weekend plans, when I saw it: OSU’s theater department’s production of Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding Are Induced to Murder. Oh, OSU, you had me...
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Suspended Sculptures, Improv Shows, Documentaries About Poets & More

I talk about the weather all the time, but only because it so affects my mood and energy level. And I come alive when it’s cooler out. So I’m really excited about this new exhibition that just opened in Schiller Park, called Suspension:...
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A prescription for surviving the holidays

Happy Thanksgiving (a little early). As I gear up for the holiday weekend, I’m sharing my tips for outings early to help you get a jump start on planning. For those who find the holidays, and its human interactions, stressful; the arts can...
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