

Cool events in a hot city

Let’s just face a few uncomfortable facts: Many great arts events in summer are outside, and it’s hot—really frackin’ hot. What this means to me is that an event needs to be worthy of any discomfort I might feel heading out of doors....
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8 New Arts Events + 6 Ending This Week

I spent this past weekend on a Cub Scout campout with my oldest. It was wonderful to be immersed in nature with this beautiful autumn weather, although once the sun went down it was a cool 36 degrees out. I’m excited for more adventures...
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Last call on 2019 and these arts events

This will be the last Weekend Warriors for the year—actually, for the decade. I do not want to head into the new decade with regrets so below are a list of shows that I want to be sure to see before that ball drops New Year’s eve. Here:...
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I’m going to need a longer weekend

You know that saying, when it rains it pours? Well that’s true this weekend in the arts. As I started checking the events calendar at, I quickly had an entire weekend plotted—and then some. Let’s start with baby Friday...
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10 events to welcome in October

Good bye September, I barely knew ya. Anyone else feel like time is simultaneously dragging and flying by? No? Just me? Ok. Well, It seems like I was only just starting the week and already I am thinking of the weekend. The arts have...
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Weekend Warriors: Virtual and IRL Arts This Week

Happy Almost Mid-November! This week is another busy week in the Columbus arts scene. Just look what I discovered in the calendars: Today is Veterans’ Day, so it’s appropriate to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice...
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8 events a streamin’

Welcome, December. While some people may bemoan the coming of winter, what I see is the ending of 2020. What I also see is our arts organizations continuing to adapt to the pandemic and find ways to make sure that our favorite holiday...
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Searching the arts for my holiday spirit

The holidays are here (happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate), but I cannot find my holiday spirit. I think I left it back in 2019. When I’m feeling meh, I look to the arts to pick me up. I searched the events...
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Start Your Year with the Arts

Well, we’re back at it! A new year has started. And while I get that the calendar flip is an arbitrary marker, I welcome any opportunity or motivation for a fresh start. I’m hoping to continue supporting artists and experience the arts in...
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Start February with the Arts

I love the month of February. We’re solidly in the depths of winter, often the prettiest parts of it, but already heading toward spring. It’s Black History Month, the month of Mardi Gras, Valentine’s (which, yes, is corny but also can be...
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