

A handful of recommendations for the weekend

I don’t like 90-degree weather in July; so you can imagine my lack of enthusiasm seeing those digits in October. But, that’s fine because the extended forecast is promising more fall like temps this weekend and there’s nothing like cooler...
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Embrace the night with these six events

I love this time of year. As the nights get longer, I can’t think of a better way to spend them than heading out to enjoy a live performance. There a so many great shows running in Columbus right now. Here are a few new ones opening this...
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Seven events to enjoy before your calendar blows up

You’ve probably heard the phrase “the quiet before the storm.” That’s what this week is, the quiet before the storm that is the holiday season. Now is the time for me to go to all of the arts events that I want to enjoy, before my calendar...
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Virtual Concerts, Movies, Improv, Exhibitions This Weekend

As of this week we’re one month in to quarantine. So, how are we all doing? Although Ohio hasn’t officially declared it, we’re planning for our kids NOT to return to school this year. It’s funny to think back on mid-March. That feels like...
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So Many Virtual Arts Events!

As Ohio is creeping toward reopening, it makes me happy to see so many virtual events arts experiences going on. While we’re still staying safe and quarantined, I searched and came up with a huge list of...
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It’s Time to Arts Fest in Place!

This week is a special one for the Arts Council staff. Usually we would be at the riverfront, obsessively checking the weather forecast, building a small city for the Columbus Arts Festival. The world is looking very different compared to...
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What’s Happening in the Arts This Week?

And we’re another week into July! As we continue through summer and begin anticipating what school will/won’t look like next month, we’re still finding plenty of arts-related adventures on The inaugural exhibition at...
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A Virtual Festival Latino, Streaming Concerts and Gallery Openings

It makes me so proud to see Columbus artists and arts organizations still keeping so busy these days. Looking over the calendars on for this week, I’m amazed again at everything that’s going on: a virtual festival,...
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Weekend Warriors: Masking up for the Wex, Elvis and bonsai trees

Hello, my name is Lacey Luce and I am a gen-xer who watched The Karate Kid for the first time this past weekend. Why am I sharing this? Because the movie left me very curious not about Karate, but about Bonsai trees. Which would explain...
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Author Talks, Concerts, Exhibitions for This Weekend

We’re still a couple weeks away from our boys starting school, but I know other school districts are headed back this week. Pretty much everyone is going virtual, at least for the start of the year. To help establish school hours at home,...
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